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Understanding Crawled – Currently Not Indexed and How to Fix It

When Google mentions “Crawled – currently not indexed,” it’s essentially telling you, “We’ve taken a look at your webpage, but you won’t see it in our search results.” If you want your page to show up on Google but it is not showing up, it’s because Google thinks your page isn’t good enough according to their standards. They don’t always go into all the little details about why. They don’t always explain everything in detail.

Now, let’s get into why your page might end up with this ‘Crawled – currently not indexed‘ status. Google has certain expectations for the content it includes in its search results, and if your page falls a bit short, it might get this label. It’s kinda like Google telling your webpage, “Eh, this page didn’t make it into the cool club.” But chill, no need to stress! In the next part, we’ll talk about how to handle this issue.

So, if you’ve stumbled upon your page marked with the ‘Crawled – currently not indexed‘ tag in the Google Search Console, don’t consider it a dead end. You can do stuff to make sure your page gets noticed by Google and appears in search results more often.. Stick around as we explore practical steps to address the ‘Crawled – currently not indexed‘ situation and improve your page’s visibility online.

In this blog post, our main focus will be on resolving the Google Search Console error code ‘Crawled – currently not indexed‘ and enhancing the likelihood of your page appearing in search results. If the page you intend to index hasn’t been crawled by Google, refer to the ‘Discovered – currently not indexed’ issue.

Crawled - currently not indexed

Understanding ‘Crawled – Currently Not Indexed’ Status in Google Search Console

The Crawled – Currently Not Indexed status in your Google Search Console page indexing report raises questions about its implications. This status conveys that Google has actively crawled the page on your website but has deliberately refrained from incorporating it into its index. So, if you try to find your page on Google Search Engine Result Page, it will not show up when people search for things. Check it out more closely to find the reason for Crawled – Currently Not Indexed status.

Fixing Crawled – Currently Not Indexed Issues

Discover common reasons for ‘Crawled – currently not indexed‘ status and find solutions to ensure Google indexes your pages. Note that this error differs from “Excluded by ‘Noindex’ Tag” in your Google Search Console report, with the former being more open to interpretation.

Improve Internal Linking

If your important pages lack sufficient links from other pages, enhance your site’s structure by adding more internal links. This helps improve their visibility in search results. Strengthen your website’s internal link structure to improve navigation and boost the visibility of important pages. Ensure that every page is appropriately linked within the site’s architecture. This not only enhances user experience but also helps search engines understand the hierarchy and importance of your content.

Crawled - currently not indexed

Low-Quality Content

Identify and improve pages with insufficient or poor-quality content. Ensure your content is substantial, relevant, and valuable to meet user expectations and search engine standards. Pages with subpar content might not rank well. Ensure your content meets user intent and provides more value than similar content on other websites. Quality content not only attracts users but also establishes your site as an authoritative source in your industry.

Duplicate Content

Identify and address pages that closely resemble each other. Consider canonicalization to resolve duplication problems effectively. Identify pages with content closely resembling each other. Implement solutions such as canonicalization to resolve duplication issues and maintain a clear and distinct content structure.

Low Domain Authority

Low Domain Authority

If steps 1, 2, and 3 aren’t the culprits, your site’s domain authority may be too low. Increase your site’s authority by gaining more backlinks, especially if you’re publishing more content than Google is willing to index.

Search Intent

Evaluate your content to ensure it aligns with the search intent of users. Tailor your pages to provide the information or solutions users are seeking, enhancing the relevance and value of your content. Meeting search intent not only improves rankings but also increases user satisfaction, reducing bounce rates.

Structured Data Mismatch

Verify that your structured data aligns with the content on your pages. Correct any discrepancies to ensure accurate representation in search engine results. Properly implemented structured data can enhance the visibility of your content in rich snippets, improving click-through rates.

Handle Expired Products

Remove or update pages featuring expired products to maintain the freshness and relevance of your content. Consider redirecting users to relevant alternatives or updated product listings. Regularly auditing and updating product pages contributes to a positive user experience and reinforces your site’s credibility.

310 redirects

Manage 301 Redirects

Check and optimize 301 redirects to ensure they are appropriately implemented. Redirects should guide users and search engines seamlessly from outdated or removed pages to current, relevant content. Well-managed redirects contribute to a smooth website transition and prevent potential SEO issues associated with broken links.

Secured Private Content

Protect private or sensitive content from public access. Implement necessary security measures, like password protection, to ensure restricted content remains confidential. Safeguarding private content not only protects user privacy but also maintains the trustworthiness of your website.


In conclusion, understanding the ‘Crawled – Currently Not Indexed‘ status in Google Search Console  it essentially means that Google has checked out your webpage but decided not to showcase it in its search results. To tackle this, consider beefing up your internal links, refining content quality, dealing with duplication problems, and working on your overall domain authority. By addressing these aspects, you stand a better chance of getting your pages indexed, boosting their visibility in Google’s search engine results, and overall, improving your online presence.


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