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Beware of 401 Call Forwarding Scam: How you can ensure your safety.

In the landscape of growing cyber threats, the 401 Call Forwarding Scam has recently emerged as a concerning scheme, particularly targeting smartphone users. This devious ploy involves scammers posing as customer service representatives from well-known mobile network operators or internet service providers, with the primary aim of exploiting unsuspecting individuals. Notably, major telecom operators like Reliance Jio and Airtel have issued warnings about the 401 Call Forwarding Scam, emphasizing its significance as a potential threat to their customers.

Understanding the 401 Call Forwarding Scam

The 401 Call Forwarding Scam is a sneaky trick that scammers use to trick people into giving them access to their phone calls. These scammers pretend to be helpful customer service representatives from mobile or internet service providers. They reach out to smartphone users, claiming there are problems with their mobile internet, account security, or SIM cards. To gain the person’s trust, they offer a quick solution: they tell the victim to dial a specific number, like 401.

Now, here’s where the scam comes in. When the victim dials that number, it activates call forwarding, which means that the victim’s calls get rerouted to the scammer’s phone. The victim has no idea this is happening, as their phone doesn’t ring when someone calls them. This allows the scammer to listen in on the victim’s calls and potentially intercept important things like voice-based One-Time Passwords (OTPs).

The scammers are after two things: money and sensitive information. They hope to steal the victim’s cash and get their hands on personal data, like bank details and access to messaging apps.

To protect yourself from falling for this scam, you should never dial any numbers or follow instructions given by unknown callers, especially when it’s related to your phone settings. It’s also a good idea to secure your smartphone with a PIN or password and be very cautious about sharing personal information with people you can’t confirm are legitimate. Staying alert and being cautious is your best defense against these kinds of scams.

401 Call Forwarding Scam

Understanding the Deceptive Tactics of Call Forwarding Scams

Scammers are clever tricksters who come up with all sorts of believable excuses to deceive people. They might pretend to be concerned about your mobile internet, broadband, or tell you that there’s a problem with your account. They could even say your SIM card is in trouble. Once they have convinced you that they’re genuine, they offer what seems like an easy solution. They’ll tell you to dial a specific number, usually one that starts with 401. But here’s the secret trick: when you dial that number, the scammer sets up call forwarding to a phone number they control.

In simpler terms, they make it so that when someone calls your phone, the call is secretly sent to the scammer instead. You won’t even know it’s happening because your phone won’t ring like it normally does. This is how the scam works, and it’s important to be aware of it so you don’t fall for their tricks. Remember, it’s always a good idea to double-check before doing anything a stranger on the phone tells you to do.

The 401 Call Forwarding Scam involves a scammer using the code 401 and a phone number to divert incoming calls to their own device. This sneaky tactic gives them access to the victim’s phone number, allowing them to try unauthorized logins on different accounts, like messaging apps and bank accounts. This scam also lets them receive voice-based One-Time Passwords (OTPs) sent to the victim’s phone.

One big problem with this scam is that the person who falls for it doesn’t even realize that their calls are being sent to the scammer’s number. So, their phone doesn’t ring when they’re getting calls from others, and they don’t suspect anything fishy is going on.

The main goal of these scams is to make money illegally. Scammers want to take money from people by getting into their accounts and taking their private info. Even though banks have strong security, scammers can find weaknesses in how people use their smartphones, giving them access to things like WhatsApp and other accounts.

401 Call Forwarding Scam

Steps to protect yourself from 401 call forwarding scam

  • Avoid Dialing Codes or Sending SMS:
    • Never dial “401” or respond to text messages from unknown sources, as scammers often use these methods to activate the 401 Call Forwarding scam.
  • Enhance Phone Security:
    • Improve your phone’s security by using passcodes or biometric authentication methods to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Guard Against Sharing Sensitive Information:
    • Refrain from sharing sensitive data, such as OTPs, with unknown callers claiming to be from your service provider and potentially involved in the 401 Call Forwarding scam. Always verify their identity first.
  • Regularly Update Your Smartphone:
    • Make sure to regularly update your phone’s software and apps to fix any security problems.
  • Install Trusted Security Apps:
    • Use reputable security apps to protect your device from malware and other threats.
  • Educate Yourself About Scams:
    • Keep up to date on the newest tricks and schemes used by dishonest people.
  • Beware of Unsolicited Calls:
    • Be cautious when receiving unexpected calls, especially if they request personal or financial information, as it may be a part of the 401 Call Forwarding scam or similar fraudulent activity.
  • Verify Caller Identities:
    • Always verify the identity of callers, even if they claim to be from legitimate organizations.
  • Report Suspicious Activity:
    • If you suspect a scam, report it to your service provider and relevant authorities.
  • Share Knowledge:
    • Educate family and friends about these scams to help protect them from falling victim to 401 Call Forwarding scam.

Edited by: Digital Moqim


  • The 401 Call Forwarding Scam is a sneaky scheme employed by scammers who pose as customer service representatives from mobile or internet service providers. They target smartphone users by claiming there are issues with mobile internet, account security, or SIM cards. To gain trust, they instruct victims to dial a specific number, often starting with 401. However, this activates call forwarding, rerouting calls to the scammer’s phone without the victim’s knowledge. Scammers aim to intercept calls, including voice-based One-Time Passwords (OTPs), to steal money and sensitive information like bank details. To protect yourself, avoid dialing numbers or following instructions from unknown callers, secure your smartphone, and be cautious about sharing personal information. Scammers use believable excuses to deceive people, so always double-check before following instructions from strangers on the phone. 📱🚫🕵️‍♂️ #CallForwardingScam #ScamAlert #StaySafe

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